Medication Safety

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Calling All Residents: Longitudinal Projects with a Safety Focus!

  • 1.  Calling All Residents: Longitudinal Projects with a Safety Focus!

    Committee Member
    Posted 05-08-2024 13:19

    Focusing on Residency projects exploring medication and patient safety topics - the PSW Medication Safety Collaborative member group is seeking Residents willing to share their project highlights!  The Thursday May 16, 2024 meeting goal is to share research spanning all of Wisconsin from the past year with a safety perspective. Each resident will briefly share slides related to their project (feel free to re-use Great Lakes or PSW Conference slides J), followed by discussion as a group.

    If you or your resident are interested in presenting, please reach out to Taylor Mancuso by May 14th. Please feel free to forward to residents within your organization.

    (Taylor Mancuso:

    Interested in tuning in to learn more about safety projects happing in Wisconsin - Join the 5/16 virtual meeting at 3:00 pml!

    Click here to register. 

    Sarah Pagenkopf, PharmD, BCPS
    PSW Director of Professional & Educational Services